August 16, 2021
The Luminescent Dosimetry Group (LUMIDOSI) has opened vacancies for students who wish to undertake undergraduate thesis.
Thermoluminescence (TL) and radioluminescence (RL) have been used extensively to evaluate materials for dosimetry application. TL is the light emitted by some crystals when heated, being a thermally stimulated emission of the energy that was previously stored in the material during irradiation [1]. Likewise, RL corresponds to the luminescence emitted by a material under exposure to ionizing radiation [2]. Among the energy levels of a crystal, some trapping levels are not influenced by RL, whereas all trapping levels are more significantly influenced by TL. Therefore, through the analysis of these luminescence curves obtained from RL and TL, we can obtain extensive information about the trapping levels rather than the case of individual treatment [3]. In this study, an integrated TL/RL measurement device will be developed to analyze accurately the luminescence mechanism of materials.
Students will support the development of a homemade radioluminescence system combined with spectral thermoluminescence (RL/TL). The system to be assembled will consist of a spectrometer coupled to an optical fiber, an X-ray source, a chamber with a sample holder and heating control (for samples with low intensity a photomultiplier will be used). All components have already been purchased. Start in September/2021.
Finally, the group has contributed to the education/preparation of students to enter the Master's program, as well as to improve academic performance. We will select the best resumes for later interview.
Submit your resume + academic record to until August 22, 2021
Take this opportunity and join our team!
[1]. S. W. S. Mckeever, Thermoluminescence of Solids. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.
[2]. L. V. S. França, L. C. Oliveira, and O. Baffa Measurement. Letters 134, 492-499 (2019).
[3]. C-Y. Park, et al., Journal of Radiation Protection and Research. Letters 43, 160-169 (2018).